Find candidates with a passion for teaching

Our service connects you with qualified, experienced & diverse teachers for your hardest-to-staff roles
teacher in classroom in front of students
Credit card mockups

Highlight your school

Nimble helps you get in front of more teacher job seekers each week, so you can showcase the unique culture and values of your school

Network with top teachers

Our teacher-friendly platform attracts the most qualified and in-demand local educators, so you can connect with them and see if there's a fit

Get straight to what matters

We handle the pre-screening, so you can get straight to understanding the person behind the resume
About Nimble Connect

Matching teachers with jobs they love

Nimble Connect empowers teachers with the information they need to take control of the job search process and find a next teaching job they love.
As featured in
Trusted by thousands of schools nationwide
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“I want to say that I am so pleased with the number of qualified applicants. I tell everyone I know in the field about it.”

Elementary School Leader
Fort Wayne, IN