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Compare all the K-12 teaching jobs across Missouri and network with principals to quickly find the best fit.
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See all the jobs in one place

Nimble compiles all the educator jobs across Missouri so you don’t have to visit each job board.

Compare key information

We help you compare district pay scales, commute distance, work schedules, and job responsibilities all in one place.

Network directly with principals

Avoid dozens of long, tedious applications. Share your qualifications directly with principals to get quick feedback on whether it's a fit.
About Nimble Connect

Matching teachers with jobs they love

Nimble Connect empowers teachers with the information they need to take control of the job search process and find a next teaching job they love.
As featured in
Nimble is trusted by over 300,000 educators nationwide
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"I love that there are so many features included - job description, salary scale, map, days in workweek, ability to connect with leadership quickly - all in one place! Awesome timesavers."

Julie B.
Teacher, St. Louis area